nornnorn joins ASEAN Circular Economy Business Alliance (ACEBA)
On July 22, nornnorn joined the newly founded ASEAN Circular Economy Business Alliance (ACEBA) to reaffirm our commitment to help make circular economy a reality in Southeast Asia.
Developed within the framework of the ASEAN Responsible and Inclusive Business Alliance (ARIBA) by the ASEAN Corporate Social Responsibility Network in strategic partnership with the ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ABAC), ACEBA was officially launched in Jakarta, Indonesia, on July 22.
With support from the European Union SWITCH-Asia Programme and businesses in the ASEAN Member States, the Alliance aims to assist its members in implementing circular economy solutions and catalyse further circular economy business initiatives in the region.
Aligned with the ASEAN Circular Economy Framework 2021 by design, ACEBA will facilitate the development, sharing and application of innovative and appropriate circular economy practices, techniques and operational tools and guidance. The Alliance will also showcase and give a voice to its members.
ACEBA’s members commit to lead by example by implementing strategies and taking actions in support of the circular economy transition in the ASEAN region. In particular, they will:
Actively promote and advance the circular economy transition in their relationships with buyers and suppliers; their advocacy to government, community and other stakeholders; and through information and knowledge sharing with their business and professional networks
Take proactive steps to develop and implement circular solutions in their current and future products, services, processes, operations and other business activities
Share their circular economy initiatives and activities along with the resulting impacts by communicating relevant business policies, targets, plans and the levels of resource circularity, resource efficiency and resource substitution achieved
Contribute, where appropriate, to ACEBA’s activities, such as to the development and promotion of operational guidelines, toolbox, case studies or other knowledge products.